Construction Contractors Association of the Hudson Valley
Greg LaLevee
Business Manager, Local 825
Local 825 Operating Engineers are highly trained and experienced heavy equipment operators, mechanics, and surveyors who offer unsurpassed productivity to contractors throughout New Jersey and five counties in New York’s Hudson Valley. Our 8,200 members are part of the International Union of Operating Engineers, comprising a workforce of more than 400,000 throughout the United States and Canada.
Operating Engineers cover a variety of job classifications in industries such as highway and building construction (sometimes called Hoisting and Portable, descriptive of the type of equipment used), mining, toll ways, municipalities, tunnels, slag, landscaping, power plants, refineries, railroads, quarries, plants that produce rock, sand and gravel, logging, utility work such as gas, water and sewer excavation.
Whether working as heavy equipment operators, heavy equipment mechanics, or surveyors, Operating Engineers are the highly skilled persons who are found on any project using construction equipment. “Heavy Equipment” is the blanket term for numerous types of machines. Cranes, bulldozers, front-end loaders, rollers, backhoes, graders, dredges, hoists, drills, pumps and compressors are just some of the equipment utilized by Operating Engineers. In most cases, if it can push, pull, pump or lift material, rolls on tires or crawls on tracks like a tank, it falls under the jurisdiction of the I.U.O.E.